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    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Series of 4 classes, one every second week Dates :
    • Tuesday 6, 20 July 2021
    • Tuesday 3, 17 August 2021
    Time : 4:30pm to 5:30pm Description : Reading and interactive games (board games, charades…) in a group on Zoom with a facilitator. Excellent for building self-esteem in French and making new friends! (more info below...) FOR: Grade 3 to 6 (Intermediate level) *Participants MUST be able to read and speak in French. (e.g. Able to read short pages of French text (a few errors is o.k.) and pretty good comprehension but would appreciate more practice.)
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Serie of 4 classes, once every two weeks, from July 5 to August 20 2021   Dates et Time : depends on your availability Duration : 30 minutes Description : Young reader will practice his/her reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) on Google Meet. (Please read Description section below for details) FOR WHOkids in elementary (beginner French reading level) : e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs. *Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French. 
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Serie of 8 classes, once a week, from April 12 to Juin 5 2021   Dates et Time : depends on your availability Duration : 30 minutes Description : Young reader will practice his/her reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) on Google Meet. (Please read Description section below for details) FOR WHOkids in elementary (beginner French reading level) : e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs. *Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French. 
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Series of 4 classes, one every second week Dates :
    • Saturday April 17 2021
    • Saturday May 1, 15, 29 2021
    Time : 10:00 am to 11:00 am Description : Reading and interactive games (board games, charades…) in a group on Zoom with a facilitator. Excellent for building self-esteem in French and making new friends! (more info below...) FOR: Children 8 yrs and over (Intermediate level) *Participants MUST be able to read and speak in French. (e.g. Able to read short pages of French text (a few errors is o.k.) and pretty good comprehension but would appreciate more practice.)
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    January 30, 2021 - March 13, 2021

    Virtual Reading Club – Intermediate (Jan to Mar 2021)

    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Series of 4 classes, one every second week Dates :
    • Saturday January 30 2021
    • Saturday February 13, 27 2021
    • Saturday March 13 2021
    Time : 10:00 am to 11:00 am Description : Reading and interactive games (board games, charades…) in a group on Zoom with a facilitator. Excellent for building self-esteem in French and making new friends! (more info below...) FOR: Children 8 yrs and over (Intermediate level) *Participants MUST be able to read and speak in French. (e.g. Able to read short pages of French text (a few errors is o.k.) and pretty good comprehension but would appreciate more practice.)
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Serie of 8 classes, once a week, from January 25 to March 19 2021   Dates et Time : depends on your availability Duration : 30 minutes Description : Young reader will practice his/her reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) on Google Meet. (Please read Description section below for details) FOR WHOkids in elementary (beginner French reading level) : e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs. *Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French. 
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Serie of 6 classes, once a week, from November 7 to December 19 2020 Dates et Time : depends on your availability Duration : 30 minutes Description : Young reader will practice his/her reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) on Google Meet. (Please read Description section below for details) FOR WHOkids in elementary (beginner French reading level) : e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs. *Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French. 
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Series of 4 classes, one every second week Dates :
    • Saturday November 14, 28 2020
    • Saturday December 12 2020 *No class during the Christmas holidays 
    • Saturday January  9 2021
    Time : 10:00 am to 11:00 am Description : Reading and interactive games (board games, charades…) in a group on Zoom with a facilitator. Excellent for building self-esteem in French and making new friends! (more info below...) FOR: Children 8 yrs and over (Intermediate level) *Participants MUST be able to read and speak in French. (e.g. Able to read short pages of French text (a few errors is o.k.) and pretty good comprehension but would appreciate more practice.)
  • Stock épuisé
    Jeudi 6 février 2020 De 18h00 à 21h00 À l’école Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys  (4700 Richard road SW - Calgary) Les cuisines collectives, c’est plus que de la cuisine. C’est une façon de manger sainement et à moindre coût. On sort de la maison, on rencontre de nouvelles personnes et on fait aussi de belles découvertes culinaires. On rit, on s’amuse et on repart avec plein de nourriture déjà toute préparée. Cet évènement est organisé en partenariat entre le Centre d’appui familial et le Centre d’accueil francophone. Tarif 10.00$ par personne Inscriptions obligatoires à info@cdafsa.ca ou au 403-249-0525 poste 6 Service de garde et repas pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 10 ans: 5.00$ par enfant* (*sur inscription uniquement) Menu avec des recettes simples et rapides pour faciliter la routine de la journée:
    • Galettes de superhéros
    • Salade de pâtes au thon et à la courge
    • Potage de carottes
    • Riz à la salsa de maïs
    • Quiche au brocoli et bacon (une variante sans bacon sera proposée si besoin)
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! Paying via credit card is strongly recommended because your spot can't be guaranteed until your payment is received. *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Series of 5 classes, one every second week Dates :
    • Saturday January 11, 25 2020
    • Saturday February 8, 22 2020
    • Saturday March 7 2020
    Time : 11:15am to 12:30pm Description : Reading and interactive games (board games, charades…) in a group. Excellent for building self-esteem in French and making new friends! (more info below...) FOR: Children 8 yrs and over (Intermediate level) *Participants MUST be able to read and speak in French. (e.g. Able to read short pages of French text (a few errors is o.k.) and pretty good comprehension but would appreciate more practice.)
  • Stock épuisé
    Sortie familiale au TELUS Spark - Lundi 2 décembre 2019 !!

    Une superbe sortie où toute la famille pourra explorer et découvrir la science, la technologie, les arts et plus encore... Venez profiter d’une belle sortie en famille  pendant cette journée pédagogique !

    TARIF: 10.00$ par personne (3 ans et +) GRATUIT pour les enfants de 2 ans et moins, ne pas leur acheter de billet. Inscriptions obligatoires - PLACES LIMITÉES Faites vite pour vous inscrire ! Premier arrivé, premier servi ! Payer par carte de crédit en ligne est fortement recommandé car votre place ne sera confirmée qu’une fois que votre paiement sera reçu.  En cas d’annulation ou de non présentation le jour de la sortie, 100% du montant est retenu.
  • Stock épuisé
    Sign up quick ! First come, first serve ! Paying via credit card is strongly recommended because your spot can't be guaranteed until your payment is received. *If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account. Series of 5 classes, one every second week Dates :
    • Saturday January 11, 25 2020
    • Saturday February 8, 22 2020
    • Saturday March 7 2020
    Time : 10:15am to 11:00am Description: These young readers will practice their reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) and play vocabulary games in FRENCH. FOR WHOkids in elementary (beginner French reading level) : e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs. We will observe your child reading and adjust their reading level as applicable. *Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French. 
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