Virtual Reading Clubs

Virtual Reading Club: Beginner

These young readers will practice their reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) and play vocabulary games in FRENCH.

Objectives :

  • Encourage Beginner French readers to practice reading in FRENCH.
  • Help them with their little challenges in a positive way.
  • Play games to help them work on their French vocabulary while having fun.
  • Encourage them to share reading comprehension.
  • Have fun in FRENCH!

FOR WHOkids in elementary (beginner French reading level: e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs.)
*Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French.

Serie of 6 workshops, once a week
Depends on your availability
From January 30 to March 12 2023

Reading Club: Intermediate

Read, discuss and converse among the group IN FRENCH
The kids will take turns reading different sections in magazines (comics, fiction, science, sports, facts, culture, etc.) and share their experiences and opinions among the group IN FRENCH.
There will also be interactive activities (board games, deciphering codes, crafts, etc.).

Excellent pour building self-esteem in French and making new friends!

Objectives :

  • Express themselves and share their point of view with other kids.
  • Work on their interpretation of different types of texts.
  • Share their impressions of what they read.
  • Discover NEW types of books (fiction, comics, science or sport magazines, non-fiction, news, etc.).
  • Discover new collections or authors (of their interest!) in our library.
  • Work on their French vocabulary while having fun in French!
  • Meet new friends and build a sense of belonging with other French speaking kids.
  • Have fun in FRENCH!

FOR: Children 8 yrs and over (Intermediate level)
*Participants MUST be able to read and speak in French. (e.g. Able to read short pages of French text (a few errors is o.k.) and pretty good comprehension but would appreciate more practice.)

DATES Series of 4 workshops, every 2nd Saturday
January 28, February 11, 25, March 11

Time : 10:00 am to 10:45 am


*There will be a required minimum de number of registrations in order to proceed. Please invite your friends!

Become a Reading Buddy!

The participation of volunteers as Reading Buddies is very important and allows us to offer a reading club for beginners. If you would like to help children read in French and want to know more about our Reading Buddies volunteer program, click here

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