Let’s support our francophone families
Strong families don’t just happen! In considering whether you would like to financially support our organization, you want to know what we do, why we do it, and who we do it for. At Le Centre d’appui familial, we believe that strong and resilient families are able to build strong, safe, and creative communities.
Families can have multiple stressors including poverty, low literacy, unemployment, addictions, domestic violence, health issues, and single parenting. Additionally, parents may not have the confidence, competence, and connection to guide their children’s growth and development through life’s transitions in positive ways that align with their values. Left unsupported, these families and especially these children, can fall through society’s cracks and have future problems that can look and feel insurmountable.
Without judgment, and with a great belief in each parent’s love for their children and ability to learn, we offer opportunities for families to learn positive, respectful approaches and an understanding of their child’s development, that will enable them to make changes that can create resilience and family harmony that can affect generations to come. We have as many unique approaches as there are families.
Whether it is mothers with mental health issues unable to leave the home, parents without transportation, fathers seeking to stay connected with their children, or immigrant parents raising children in a foreign country. We can offer one-on-one support delivered in the homes of families or in groups throughout southern Alberta to help everyone at different stages of their family life. We help everyone throughout the different stages of their family lives.
New parents, single parents, confused parents, frustrated parents – everyone is welcome at Le Centre d’appui familial.
We will treat your donation with care. Coupled with our existing funding dollars from the government, you can direct your donation to a specific program that is close to your heart.
Thank you for your support. If you can help us help Southern Alberta families by making a cash donation, please donate online or contact Samah Hannane :
*Any cash contribution will result in a tax receipt from the Société de la petite enfance et de la famille du Sud de l’Alberta (Centre d’appui familial).