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Paying via credit card is strongly recommended because your spot can’t be guaranteed until your payment is received.
*If not yet logged in, connect with your login account : click on My Account or Become a Member to create an account.
Series of 5 classes, one every second week
Dates :
- Saturday January 11, 25 2020
- Saturday February 8, 22 2020
- Saturday March 7 2020
Time : 10:15am to 11:00am
These young readers will practice their reading in FRENCH with an older buddy (older students, volunteers, etc.) and play vocabulary games in FRENCH.
FOR WHO: kids in elementary (beginner French reading level) : e.g. from very small sentences up to small paragraphs. We will observe your child reading and adjust their reading level as applicable.
*Participants must understand and speak French and have already started reading in French.
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